(Updated 10/28/2024)
10U and 12U game schedules for weeks 8-10 (11/2, 11/9, 11/16) have been posted. Results and tournament standings will be posted after the first round of games.
***Note*** 10UG, 12UB and 12UG teams should check their schedule if they have 8am games (12U) or 9:15am games (10UG); you may be scheduled to play with an EPIC team after your morning game in one of those weeks.
Game Schedules for the Fall 2024 Youth and Adult Leagues have been posted.
Playground (Group 1) and Schoolyard (Groups 1, 2, 3) schedules have been added
Fall 2024 Game Schedules:
You can find the Game Schedule for an individual team by using the new referee scheduling program:
click here
Select your Team (e.g. 06UG-01) from the dropdown list then click View Records
10U and 12U teams will initially show only the 1st 7 weeks' games
See note 6 below for 10UG, 12UB and 12UG teams

Instructions for Region 9's full Game Schedule:
Note added 10/5:
The game schedule for 11/16 has been corrected:
14U Boys games scheduled for CC_N have been moved to CC_O (with the 11 v 11 overlay)
12U Boys games scheduled for CC_O have been moved to CC_T (normally not used)
1. Go to the Region 9 Game Schedule (this is a read-only Google spreadsheet)
2. Click on the Division link at the top of the Sheet (e.g. 6UB, 10UG, etc.)
3. Use your browser's Find or Search function (typically Ctrl-F) to find your team (e.g. 06UB-01, 10UG-14)
Note that the team # is exactly 7 characters, including the dash as the 5th character.
4. Continue the Find/Search to find your team's games through the entire season
5. For 10U and 12U teams, you will only find games for weeks 1-7. Games in weeks 8-10 will be a mini tournament, with 1 game each week, depending on each team's record in the first 7 weeks and the team's completion of all volunteer and referee requirements.
Some 10U and 12U teams may have additional games on Sunday Nov. 17th.
6. Most 10U Girls, 12U Boys, and 12U Girls will have 1 additional playing opportunity during the season, with one of Region 9's EPIC teams.
These additional opportunities will be at 9:30 for 12UB and 12UG teams, immediately following the team's 8am game; and at 10:30 for a 10UG team, immediately following the team's 9:15am game.
If your team is highlighted in yellow, you will be playing an EPIC team that week, in addition to your regular Divisional game.
7. We have made every effort to make sure that coaches with 2 teams do not have scheduling conflicts. Those teams are highlighted in green.
8. If you have questions, contact [email protected]
Practice Schedules: Fall 2024
PLEASE NOTE: Coaches certifications and training must be completed prior to the first game. A team, showing up to the a game without a certified coach will not play.
The field layout for Saturday games can be found on the Field Maps web page; scroll down to the map labeled Fall 2024 Field Maps for Saturday Games.
There will be a Fall 2023 Sunday Field Map (for Area 16U/19U, Adult League) on the same web page.
1. 10U Girls, 12U Boys and 12U Girls Core Teams have been scheduled to play with an EPIC (formerly VIP) team each week. Please check your team's game schedule before the season starts to see if and when your team is scheduled for this additional opportunity.
2. 10U and 12U Core Teams (Boys and Girls) will have tournament games in weeks 8, 9 and 10; schedules for those games will be posted as soon as possible after week 7.
Seedings are based on games played in weeks 1-7 (Click Here to see the current standings).
Some teams may be scheduled to play semi-final and finals Sunday games in week 10.
*** if they have met their Volunteer and Referee requirements ***
3. Parents of 4U and 5U players will be getting an email letting them know which group their child is in for scheduling purposes. Information about the 4U/5U programs is available here.
4. The complete 14U Boys & Girls game schedules (home and away games) will be available from the Area 10E website. Our Region 9 schedule only lists games being played at Conejo Creek South.
Note that 14U teams will have games at Conejo Creek South in weeks 10, even if Area-scheduled games end in week 9. The 3 teams in each division will play each other once. The winner of both games will be champions and go on to Area Playoffs. If they are tied with 1 win apiece, then there will be a penalty shootout at the end of regulation on the final Saturday to determine the campions.
Team Volunteer Schedules, 6U – 14U Core Fall 2024
Click here for the Fall 2024 Team Volunteer Schedule.
For detailed information about Team Volunteers click here.
Referee Schedule
Region 9 referee scheduling is now done via CGI Sports. See the Referee Scheduling section of our website.